Football Recruiting / Michigan / Pontiac, MI / Notre Dame Preparatory / Bryce Baringer

Bryce Baringer '17 Recruiting Profile

Notre Dame Preparatory Pontiac, MIFootball
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Bryce Baringer Football recruiting profile image
ClubMichigan Impact Travel Soccer Club
Primary PositionPunter
Secondary PositionKicker
Dominant HandRight
40 Yard Dash5.0


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Personal Statement

I am a passtionate 6'3", 195 pound impactful player who strives for excellence both on and off the field.  I am Nationally Ranked #3 with Kornblue Kicking and #28 with Kohls Kicking organization. I am a 4.5 Star Punter, a 4.0 Star Kicker. I am a team player who is very coachable and looks forward to finding a team where my talents and passion can add strength and depth. I have competed in several Kohls Kicking Showcases, having won the 2016 Midwest Showcase Punting competetion, have attended several camps, and received one-on-one training. I have also attended a few Kornblue Kicking camps. I look forward to attending future in-season camps.

I have had the privlege of playing multiple sports for my entire life and have remained a 4-sport Varsity athlete in a 3-sport season. From my first kickoff three years ago to my 38 yard field goal on Detroit Ford Field’s NFL posts during our Prep Bowl, to finishing my Junior year football season with a 44 yard field goal in 25 mph winds into my face in a wet, rainy district final; football has become my passion. I knew running off the field at our district finals, that I wanted to pursue playing football at the collegiate level.I strive to be the best person I can be on the field, court, or course, as well as in the classroom and in my community.  

Although being a multi-sport athlete is a major accomplishment, my main focus is academics. I attend a private, International-Baccalaureate, rigorous school taking Honors classes along with standard level courses. I strive to balance my life academically,  athletically,  while consistently conducting over 200 hours of community service every year,  working as an Honor Caddie at Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and am a member of our school’s Varsity, SADD, and Optimist clubs.

Attending a university where my talents and passions are beneficial to the school and on the field, is my ultimate goal. The academically challenging environment of Notre Dame Preparatory has solidified the importance of obtaining a quality education. Through this smaller, family-feeling environment, I am accustomed to a low teacher-student ratio in school. However, I am excited and open-minded to obtain my degree from any size university.  I wish to study History with my ultimate goal of pursuing a teaching degree where I can give back to a community, while performing at my highest abilities academically and athletically.

As I have begun my Senior year, I am continuing to train hard, train smart, and train focused both athletically and academically by taking several higher level classes. I will remain active in my community. I am excited to bring my determination, hard work and talents to the collegiate level as I look toward the future.

Kohls Profile:

HUDL Profile:


High School Information

  • Years w/ Varsity
  • 3 years
  • Varsity Starter
  • 3 years
  • 2016 Varsity Team
     - Jersey: #15
  • Team Awards
  • 2015 Varsity Team
     - Jersey: #15
  • Team Awards
  • Conference 2nd Place
  • 2014 Varsity Team
     - Jersey: #15
  • 2013 Junior Varsity Team
     - Jersey: #0
  • Team Awards
  • Conference Champs

Club Information

  • Seasons of Club Experience
  • 1 season
  • 2016 Michigan Impact Travel Soccer Club (U-17 White)
  • 2005-2016 Michigan Impact Travel Soccer, Clarkston Michigan. Posiitions: Forward and Defense.

Coach References

  • Private Coach
  • Brandon Kornblue / Kornblue Kicking
  • Private Coach
  • Luke Radke / Kohls Kicking Punting Snapping Professional Camps
  • High School Head Coach
  • Pat Fox
  • High School Head Coach
  • Robert Suffredini (Mens Varsity Soccer)
  • High School Head Coach
  • Marc White PGA, TPI Certified Golf Fitness Instructor
  • Juniors Coach
  • Dan Staniszewski
  • Juniors Coach
  • Buzz Famularo


  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls Kicking National Senior Challenge
  • 1/14/17 to 1/15/17
  • National Senior Challenge. Placed 7th of 50 punters. PUNTING RESULTS: PUNT #1 66 yards, 4.1 Hangtime PUNT #2 53 yards, 4.87 Hangtime PUNT #3 62 yards, 4.75 Hangetime, PUNT #4 53 yards, 4.49 Hangtime.Event Streamed on YouTube
  • Camp/Event
  • Kornblue Kicking FAB 50 Fall Showcase
  • 12/31/16 to 12/31/16
  • Made Top 10/Placed 3rd in Punters/Increased Rank to 5 Star/Nationally Ranked 7th Profile Weblink: Excellent Camp with great instruction. Honed all skills.
  • Camp/Event
  • Kornblue Kicking FAB 50 Skills Camp
  • 10/23/16 to 10/23/16
  • Skills Camp/ Ranked 5 Star Punter/Placed top 3 of all punting athletes. CAMP RESULTS: PUNT#1 4.70 Hangtime; PUNT#2 4.85 Hangtime; PUNT#3 4.47; PUNT#4 4.43 PUNT#5 4.75. Excellent Camp. Worked on hand-toe-time, hang time, approach
  • Camp/Event
  • Kornblue Kicking Fab 50
  • 9/04/16 to 9/04/16
  • Excellent Camp with personal coaching from Coach Kornblue and staff. Top 3 punter competition finalist. Participated in Kickoff, Field Goal and Punting Charting. Performed very well using revised approach to punting with very good results. Found camp instruction, detail oriented; frame by frame film review critical for continued improvement and the atmosphere competitive yet kind. Excellent camp. Appreciative that upcoming, in-season camps are available and look forward to participating in them. Excited to view my You Tube video. Stats being finalized and will inquire of obtaining them for posting. Thank You to Coach Brandon Kornblue and his staff for a great day of instruction both on and off the field.
  • Camp/Event
  • Private Lesson with Kohls Coach Jake Dombrowski (Buffalo Bills free agent)
  • 8/14/16 to 8/14/16
  • 4 Hour Private Lesson; GOALS: Increase Hang Times, Accuracy and Distance of KOs/Punts/FGs. Also Learned how to hold for place kicker. Great Lesson. Coach filmed & reviewed my warm up. Made positive changes to stance, posture, frame & approach. New punting approach increased height of ball and hang time while still achieving my normal distance range of 50 yards. Filmed several times for learning. Coach Jake asked me with each punt, kick of field goal what I did that was correct, was there anything I could change or improve. It was a great learning experience! Thank You, Coach Jake!
  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls National Invitational Scholarship Camp
  • 7/23/16 to 7/24/16
  • Proud that my performance raised my National Rank from 49th to 28th within Kohls organization. Thank you, Coach Jamie and all Kohls Coaches for an Amazing & Emotional Experience. I Listened, Learned, Practiced, Performed. Placed #27 out of 172 total punting athletes. Stats: 26 Total Punts Average Distance: 47.08. Average Hang Time: 3.78. Breakdown of total punts: 10 Punts @ 50-59 yards; 11 Punts @ 41-47 yards; 5 Punts @ 38-39yards with 1punt@31 yards. Current Ranking remains 4.5 Star Punter; 4.0 Star Kicker. This event was emotional all around. Elated with invitation. Excited to attend, learn, perform & compete. Saddened & Honored to have known & worked with Mike Sadler. Please also refer to my Kohls Profile:
  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls Kicking Specialist Camp
  • 7/06/16 to 7/06/16
  • Excited to attend my 7th Kohls camp for several reasons; Opportunity to learn, grow, practice & perform; Taping of my Kohls Punting Video by Coach Luke Radke & Coach Joe Gardner, prepare for upcoming Kohls National Invitational Scholarship Camp. Today Focused soley on punting, per Coach Jamie Kohl's suggestion that my talents and frame are best suited as a punter. Only punted at this event. Total of 3 Punts officially charted: 53, 44, 24 yards. Average Distance 40.33; Average Hang Time 3.35.
  • Camp/Event
  • Michigan State University Specialist Camp
  • 6/21/16 to 6/21/16
  • Second time attending MSU Specialty camp. Enoyed listening to Coach Dantonio. Time spent in classroom, drills, mechanics and performing. Focused on Punting only. Finished top 10 in competition with charting results not provided to athletes.
  • Camp/Event
  • University of Toledo Specialist Camp (conducted by Hammer Kicking Academy)
  • 6/16/16 to 6/16/16
  • Pleased to be returning to U of T campus, working with Coach Discher and Hammer Kicking Academy. Speciality camp focused on stretching, mechanics, drill work and performance. Worked on Punts only, with no documented charting. My overall performance was good. My distance was very good with improved hang times.
  • Camp/Event
  • Ball State University Specialist Camp
  • 6/14/16 to 6/14/16
  • Began day with official tour of campus then headed down to Cardinals stadium where we started with fundamentals, mechanics, warmed up, and focused solely on my punting skills. I kicked a total of 4 times with charting; stats however were not provided to athletes. I feel I punted well, with good distance and improved hang times.
  • Camp/Event
  • Private Lesson with Kohls Coach Mike Sadler
  • 6/13/16 to 6/13/16
  • Excited to work one-on-one in private lesson with Kohls Coach, Mike Sadler, former MSU punter. I met Coach Mike at his former high school where we had the field to ourselves. We began with discussing my goals for the day. We then stretched and began. Work forcused on: Proper frame, stance, and technique, catching of ball, hand placement, ball handling, timing of ball drop, mechanics & importance of elbow placement, dropping of ball, keeping a straight and correct frame prior to kick, Hand-to-toe time, kick follow through & leg extension, force of kick, distance and accuracy. It was a privledge to work privately with Coach Mike. It was a wonderful opportunity and experience. Took life long lessons away from this training and feel he truly mentored me.
  • Camp/Event
  • Bowling Green State University Specialist Camp conducted by Kohls Kicking
  • 6/06/16 to 6/06/16
  • Very excited to return to BGSU, talk with BGSU Coach Brock (ST/RC), as well as work with Kohls coaches. Day consisted of classroom time, stretching on field, drill work, competition between approximately 20 punters. Excited to WIN morning punting competition. Afternoon continued with drill work and 2nd competition where I was unfortunately eliminated. I do not believe charting or offical stats were taken. If so, I was not provided with results. Enjoyed the opportunity to perform, learn and grow.
  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls Kicking Punting Snaping Midwest Showcase Camp
  • 5/15/16 to 5/15/16
  • I am a Nationally Ranked 4.5 star Punter; 4 star Kicker. I finished top 20 in both categories. I did win the punting competition with 2 kicks of 54 and 53 yards with hangtimes of 4.3 and 4.4. My performance earned me a Kohls Official Invitation to their National Scholarship Camp in WI at the end of July
  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls Kicking Punting Snapping National Underclassman Challenge
  • 1/02/16 to 1/03/16
  • Charted 12/80 in punting: Ranked 4 Star Punter; Ranked 4 Star Kicker
  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls Kicking Punting Snapping Eastern Showcase
  • 12/05/15 to 12/06/15
  • Top 9 of 180 competing Athletes. Earned a ticket to attend the Kohls National Underclassmen Challenge
  • Camp/Event
  • MSU Kicking Camp
  • 6/16/15 to 6/16/15
  • Enjoyed working with Coach Tressel and listening to Coach Dantonio's lectures. Worked on fundamentals, skills, drillwork. Field time included punting and kicking
  • Camp/Event
  • Private Training with Jason Hanson, retired Detroit Lions kicker
  • 5/30/15 to 5/30/15
  • An incredible opportunity to work with Mr. Hanson! He taught me how to visualize, develop an "athletic stance", my approach to the ball, ball strike, follow through and recovery. It was amazing!
  • Camp/Event
  • The Kicking Coach
  • 8/02/14 to 8/03/14
  • Second time working with Coach Philip Flipivoc and his team. Classroom instruction included fundamentals and basics of kicking and punting. Saturday was dedicated to field goals and kickoffs. Sunday was dedicated to punting
  • Camp/Event
  • Kohls Kicking Punting Snapping
  • 7/08/14 to 7/08/14
  • Second training event attended. Classroom lectures covered fundamentals, skills & nutrition. Field work included punting, field goal attempts, kickoffs
  • Camp/Event
  • The Kicking Coach
  • 8/03/13 to 8/04/13
  • This was my first experience attending a football camp. I met Coach Philip Flipiovic and his team. Began in the classroom discussing fundamentals of the sport, skills, training, & nutrition. Field work was divided into two days; Saturday was field goals and kickoffs. Sunday we covered punting


  • Jake Siebert
  • 2 years
  • Joined Notre Dame Preparatory in 2014. Team Training: Varsity Football, Varisty Soccer, & Varsity Basketball teams. Our Varsity Golf team does not train with Coach Siebert
  • Kohls Kicking Punting Snapping
  • 3 years
  • 2014, 2015, 2016~See Training Events Scheduled to Attend: 2/21/16 Camp in Massilon, Ohio 4/30/16 Camp in Toledo, Ohio 5/15/16 Kohls Midwest Spring Showcase Camp @ Maine Houth High School, Park Ridge Illinois-Won Punting Competition 6/13/16 Private Coach lesson with Mike Sadler, Kohls Kicking, MSU former punter 7/6/16 Camp Cleveland Ohio 7/22-23/16 Kohls National Invitational Scholarship Camp @ Kettle Moraine High School, Wales Wisconsin 8/14/16 Private Coach lesson with Jake Dombrowski from Kohls Kicking and Buffalo Bills free agent 10/16 Kohls Fall Assessment 12/4/16 Eastern Showcase Camp, Pittsburgh PA 12/17/16 Midwest Showcase Camp, Chicago, IL 1/14-15/17 Kohls National Senior Showcase Challenge, Atlanta, GA
  • Kornblue Kicking
  • 1 year
  • 2/27/16 Kornblue Fab 50 Kicking Camp, Brighton MI 9/5/16 Kornblue Fab 50 Camp, Dearnborn MI 10/23/16 Kornblue Fab 50 Camp, Dearborn, MI 10/30/16 Kornblue Fab 50 Camp, Atlanta, GA 12/31/16 Kornblue Fall 2016 Kicking & Snapping Challenge, Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Statistic2016 Varsity Team2015 Varsity Team2014 Varsity Team
Games played9118
Total return yardsN/AN/AN/A
Yards per returnN/AN/AN/A
Average kickoff distance60 yards58 yards50 yards
Extra points/attempts31/3631/3822/22
Field goals/attempts3/76/75/5
Long field goal43 yards44 yards35 yards
Touchback percentage52%69%15%
Average punt snap time2.02.0N/A
Average hang time4.514.0N/A
Average yards per punt3832 yardsN/A
Long punt5532 yardsN/A
Punting attempts1510
Punts inside the 20600
Yrd/kick off returnN/AN/AN/A
Longest returnN/AN/AN/A
Longest punt returnN/AN/AN/A
Total kick off return yrdsN/AN/AN/A
Total punt return yrdsN/AN/AN/A
Punt return TDsN/AN/AN/A
Kick off return TD'sN/AN/AN/A



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Test Scores

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High School Information

Phone(248) 373-5300

Academic Accomplishments

Are you in honor classes?
Yes. 2016-2017 Senior Course Selections: Honors World Literature 1 & 2 / Honors Spanish 9 & 10 IB Mathmatical Studies 2015-2016 Junior Year Course Selections: Honors Spanish 7 Fall/8 Spring *Important Note: Being a 4 Sport-3 Season athlete is an honor and privilege. I work very hard at balancing my athletics, grades, community service and employment. My Spring/Second Semester of Junior Year (2016) I was excited to rank #2 on our Varsity Golf team. This allowed me the opportunity of playing in every event including "States". At that time, I did not realize the amount of class time I would miss & its impact upon my exam grades. Fortunately I was able to maintain my "B" average and know moving forward I will need to manage my study time more effectively.
Are you in AP/IB classes?
Yes. 2016-2017 Senior Course Selections: AP Euro History 1 & 2
Registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center?

Awards and Activities

  • AwardsAcademic Scholar Christian Service Award
  • Activities -200+ YEARLY COMMUNITY SERVICE HRS: 2012-2016 -Altar Serving~Lead/Instructional Altar Server & Youth Group -Braille Beats Fine Arts Intensive Program for legally blind and blind serving 7-adults. -Grace Centers of Hope, Homeless Shelter, Pontiac MI -Crossroads for Youth; At Risk Youth aged 7-17, Oxford MI -EMPLOYMENT: Oakland Hills Country Club: 2013-Present 2013 Beginner Caddie, 2014 Intermediate Caddie, 2015 Honor Caddie -SCHOOL CLUB: 2014-Present: Varsity Club, 2016-SADD & Optimist Clubs

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