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Why Boarding Schools Might be a Good Choice – For SOME People

New England boarding schools are at the top of their game today.  And while it is NOT for everyone – there are some definite advantages to making that leap and maybe leaving home a little early.

Advantage #1

Getting that College Experience while Still in High School.

            Although boarding schools tend to have some pretty strict rules about leaving campus and what you can actually do while ON campus, you still get that experience of being away from home earlier than a lot of other students.  You live in a small dorm room, you have a randomly selected roommate and it gives you a chance to get used to that cafeteria food those college kids are always talking about. 

Advantage #2

The Sports.

            With a lot of boarding schools, you are required to play a sport every season – fall, winter, and spring.  This is a supreme advantage because not only does that give you the opportunity to try new things, but it also allows you to stay in shape and prepare for whatever season your sport might actually be in.  And a lot of the time student-athletes choose these schools because their specialty sport is a standout in some way.  The sports at these schools are more often than not some of the best in the country.  Not only are the sports some of the best in the country but the facilities rival those of some of the top colleges in the country, with multiple hockey rinks, state of the art workout areas, not to mention the amount of field space.  Because these schools tend to be located in more remote areas of New England, the possibilities are endless as far as facilities are concerned. 

Advantage #3


            This is definitely the biggest advantage of them all.  There are so many different opportunities that come with attending a boarding school.  First and foremost, the education.  Classes are small, which means more one-on-one attention from teachers and the curriculum is top-notch.  These schools are definitely not the easiest to get in to so it is of course a challenge once you have been accepted.  If you choose to transfer to a boarding school after a couple years at your hometown high school, you also have the opportunity to repeat your most recent year of high school, if you so choose.  I know some kids might groan at the thought, however, for some kids this is exactly what they need.  It could help you improve your grades and give you that one extra year you need to prepare yourself for the college decision-making process.  It also offers you the opportunity as a high school athlete to play one more year of high school sports at a completely different level, which could help your game tremendously.

            Attending one of these schools could also give you that little extra leverage when it comes to applying to college.  This definitely does not mean that you won’t be able to get in if you don’t attend a boarding school, but it sets you apart from other applicants, especially when applying to colleges in the Northeast.  

In closing, it is important to remember that these schools can be very selective and expensive.  It’s something you should absolutely talk to your parents about if you are seriously considering the transfer.  Don’t be afraid to make that leap.  It can only make you stronger.

To find out more about boarding schools, visit: