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A Recruiting Guide for Multi-Sport Athletes

multi sport athletes

Multi-sport athletes participate or train in more than one sport. These athletes are often good at many sports activities, with an extensive range of athletic talent.  

For example, let’s consider two popular sports for multi-sport athletes: football and baseball.  

A good multi-sport athlete playing both of these sports may excel at a range of skills, like tackling, running, fielding, and throwing. To an extent, all of these skills could be useful in balancing muscle groups and improving fitness for either sport. These athletes also get more exposure to sports activities since they play sports almost year-round. A single-sport athlete wouldn’t have that same experience, so they may only excel at a more specific set of skills (like fielding, batting, and throwing for baseball). 

Since there are so many advantages of being a multi-sport athlete, it’s no surprise that plenty of college coaches actively recruit students with this background.  

We’ll explore why multi-sport athletes can be an asset to their teams and what you should consider if you want to participate in more than one sport. When you understand the value of training in multiple sports, you can make more informed decisions about your athletic future. 

Do college coaches want multi-sport athletes?

While many college coaches like to work with multi-sport athletes, others don’t. There are plenty of reasons athletes choose to play multiple sports. Still, there are always downsides to consider (especially through the eyes of a coach).  

College coaches who prefer multi-sport athletes

reasons why college coaches might prefer multi sport athletes

There are many benefits of multi-sport athletes when you look at personal athletic development, so you might choose this route to stand out during recruitment. A few of the key reasons college coaches may prefer multi-sport athletes include: 

College coaches who avoid multi-sport athletes

College coaches who avoid working with multi-sport athletes have their reasons for doing this, and some of the most common factors to consider include: 

Prioritizing your sports

College athletes can play multiple sports, especially if the seasons don’t overlap, but these students usually choose one sport as their top priority before attending college. When the time comes to talk to recruiters and college coaches, students want to show which sport they are most excited about to open up opportunities for scholarships and offers. If you want to reach that level, you should start doing the same thing. 

Think about the sports you play and which one you can envision a future with as a college athlete. Prioritize your number one sport and focus your time and energy there to hone your performance and show off your talents.  

You can still participate in other sports, especially if they help you stay in shape. But figuring out which sport is your number one will help you create a better balance in your schedule. 

This might be easier said than done. Get some advice from experts on this topic to help guide you in the right direction: 

How to balance being a multi-sport athlete

Balancing more than one sport at a time can feel tricky, but with the right approach, you can get it right. Here are some quick tips on balancing multiple sports at a time: 

Prepare to adjust your schedule if you need a break or feel overwhelmed. Remember, your mental and physical well-being always come first. 

Do multi-sport athletes have better fitness?

If you look at single-sport vs. multi-sport athletes, you’ll see that both types of athletes can develop great fitness levels. So, it’s hard to say whether one is better for fitness than the other. 

Some argue that multi-sport athletes have a more diverse experience with sports, so they naturally develop distinct physical qualities. Multi-sport athletes have well-rounded fitness, so they can adapt more easily. 

Others might say single-sport athletes are working toward a specialty in their sport. They have the necessary fitness to become top performers in their sport of choice since that’s always been their primary focus. 

Ultimately, the fitness level of any athlete depends on a few factors, like the demand of the sport, training, and the athlete’s approach to wellness.  

How to showcase being a multi-sport athlete

You already know you have to showcase your athletic abilities if you want attention from college coaches. After all, plenty of other students in the same sports as you want the exact same thing. You can increase your visibility and chances of recruiters noticing you as a multi-sport athlete with the right approach.  

NCSA and social media are two great options to highlight your talents. 

Showcasing multiple sports on NCSA

On NCSA, you can create multiple profiles. Each profile can focus on a single sport, noting your best achievements. You can use this space to provide the most comprehensive view of your talents as a multi-sport athlete. 

You want recruiters to see why you’re the best of the best in each sport you play. Since every sport is so different, creating distinct profiles will help you show off your strengths and triumphs for each individual sport to better show off your skills. 

Showcasing multiple sports on social media

On social media, you can add video highlights, photos, or statistics to your profile. This will show any recruiters looking at your social media, even at a glance, that you’re serious about sports. 

Always make it clear which sport is your top priority on social media. This way, you’ll easily let college coaches and recruiters see which college-level sport is your number one choice. 

Conclusion: Single sport vs multi-sport athletes

Being a multi-sport athlete offers a lot of advantages, and with the right attitude and planning, any student athlete can maximize their experience with many sports at once. 

One of the most crucial things to remember is the importance of balance. Time management, self-discipline, and a strong support system will help. Plus, the payoff can be substantial with an outstanding athletic skill set and more exposure to recruiters and college coaches.  

Always give your best effort in each sport but prioritize the sport you like most. With hard work and determination, you can thrive and meet your full potential at the college level. 

Want some help with prioritizing sports and opening up recruitment opportunities? Join the NCSA network to learn more.