Personal Statement
Nothing is Impossible - the word itself says I'm Possible!
Never one to shy away from a challenge, I constantly strive to do my best in everything that I do and focus on results. I am equally happy working on my own or actively leading and contributing in a team environment. Remaining focused, flexible and having excellent communication skills are a pre-requisite to success in the ever changing world we live in today. When the mix of activities and people in my life are balanced, then I know I can achieve so much and most importantly, have fun doing it!
Being fortunate enough to live in the developing world (Peru and Ghana) from the age of four until twelve is a big part of who I am. It has taught me cultural sensitivity, language skills and not to take even the smallest things for granted. Einstein is quoted as having said “imagination is more important than knowledge.” It seems to me he was saying our opportunity to learn and achieve is unlimited if only we have an open mind, the right attitude and work smart. This ideal captures the very ethos that I apply to everything I do.
Reference from current coach:
"Sami is a member of the National Academy of Distance Running, and one of the most dedicated athletes I have mentored during my 16 years of coaching. She easily grasps training and training techniques and does what I tell her – and always with a smile. She is highly motivated and is enthusiastic. She is a leader among the other athletes on the team, and gets along well with everyone.
Sami shows her integrity by letting me know if she can’t attend workout and what she should do on her own to make up for the work. She has a wonderful attitude, and this will propel her to a success in running and in life in whatever field she chooses."