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NCSA Recruiting

Rashaan Campbell, Recruiting Specialist at NCSA

Rashaan Campbell, Recruiting Specialist

West Chester University
[email protected]
(872) 266-0416

The thrill of young athletes chasing their dreams fuels my passion at NCSA. Not having the smoothest recruiting experience myself, I understand the transformative power of guidance at this crucial stage. Witnessing that “aha!” moment when a student-athlete finds their perfect college fit is what gets me going every morning.

While I didn’t pursue athletics in college, academics were my arena. I graduated with a finance degree in just three years, landing a coveted investment banking job. Yet, the lessons of teamwork, discipline, and resilience learned on the field kept beckoning. So, when the chance to return to the world of sports, this time as a mentor, arose, I jumped in headfirst.

Now, at NCSA, I have the privilege of guiding young athletes through the intricate maze of athletic recruiting, ensuring their journey is not just smooth but empowering. Every scholarship secured feels like a personal victory, a shared triumph between the athlete and myself. But the rewards extend far beyond the playing field. Witnessing these young individuals blossom as they build character, forge meaningful connections, and discover their untapped potential is truly the most inspiring part of my job.

When I’m not cheering on future champions, you’ll find me exploring the world. My insatiable curiosity has taken me across five continents, each experience enriching my understanding of different cultures and perspectives. Travel fuels my creativity and allows me to connect with people from all walks of life, lessons I bring back to my role at NCSA, ensuring we serve our diverse community with empathy and understanding.