Personal Statement
I have been raised in a family where success is an outcome of years of dedication and commitment. Throughout my years in high school, my thirst for self improvement has set the bar high for me. At a very young age I discovered that my strongest passion is sports; sparking in me the desire to become a strong athlete myself. That craving to hit a buzzer beater is what inspires me to give my hundred percent at every single practice. Above all, sports have taught me to stand up when I fall but also to pick up those who surround me when they fall too.
Being the leader of the team and setting the example for everyone outside and inside the court is what I do best. My goals are to play basketball in the best university that fits for me, I will do what I have to do, to be the successful basketball player in college. Also, I always do my best so that my teammates get involved in the court. I alway say that teamwork is key for a basketball team. I really don't care how I play, I care that my team win and that the team played good. I pass a lot, since I prefer getting a better shot by my teammate that making a difficult shot.
The number 1986. That is the year on the banner that stood high in my school’s auditorium, in representation of the single Central American basketball championship my school had ever achieved. The number 1986 was a chip on my shoulder, and I was determined to raise a banner with the number 2014. Though the great feat of winning that championship was seen as a small possibility I was determined to do anything in my ability to achieve it. Every time I wore my blue and yellow uniform, with the number twenty four on the back; I was driven to give it my all.